Rosalie Lechner
I have lived in Yarnell since 1994. I have worked off and on for myself doing cleaning, handy woman repairs, building decks, laying floors. As I aged my body complained at the heavy work I put it through. So when the church needed help and I was looking for more gentle work for my body I was glad to step in. I am able to draw on prior work experience running the office for an Architectural Firm, an ad rep for New Mexico Magazine, and a couple of stints for the federal government – NPS(Superintendent and staff Secretary) and BLM(Librarian).
I have a path of spirituality I follow and feel it is one of the most important things in life. Having a connection with God, however you name that, is crucial.
I like to kayak on the lakes in Prescott, do jigsaw puzzles, play board and card games, make mobiles from things in nature and crystal prisms, participate in the Dances of Universal Peace and travel. Travel is more limited now that I work at the church.