The elders of Yarnell Community Presbyterian Church are people of proven spiritual character and commitment to God and to the church. They are elected by the congregation and serve in classes that are usually three years in length. As the classes rotate on and off in staggered change, the governing board (The Session) has great room for creativity and diversity in the work of the church.
The Session is usually made of eight to nine elders and meets monthly beginning with a time of WORD-SHARE- PRAYER, a practice developed by The Vital Churches Institute.
As they consider the teaching of Scripture and how it applies to their lives the rich sharing of elders naturally leads into prayer for guidance and discernment.
Because the church has a representative form of government, The Session is empowered by the church to make many decisions which include the formation of the budget for each year, the development of ministries based upon the vision and mission of the church, community needs, care for the indigent and others as they arise. The congregation, in called meetings, makes decisions about the pastor’s call and any changes to that. The congregation also determines any physical changes to the buildings and property.
Working together the Session and congregation hold each other up as partners in ministry and worship.
Attributes that describe the elders of the church both serving on The Session and having served the church….
- Committed
- Cooperative
- Respectful of each other
- Peace keepers
- Thoughtful
- Risk takers
- Humorous under pressure
- Patient
- Kind
Current Elders:
Terri Denemy - Clerk of Session
Marcie Theokas
Lew Theokas
Gail Davis
Chuck Edwards